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SQL Training

Enhance your knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server with CodaBears’ comprehensive SQL Training, crafted for those working in ERP environments who need SQL skills to manage data effectively. Taught by instructors who actively use SQL in their day-to-day roles, this training combines real-life examples and practical applications, empowering you to bring valuable skills directly back to your job. View the SQL Registration Form

SQL Classes:

Bear writing SQL on a chalkboard

SQL Basics

  • Overview of SQL Administration: Learn the fundamentals of SQL Server, including basic database concepts and SQL server management.
  • Database Maintenance: Gain insights on creating effective maintenance plans to keep your database running smoothly and securely.

Queries 1

  • Writing Basic Queries: Master essential querying skills, including SELECT statements, inner and outer joins, and DISTINCT clauses.
  • Aggregates and Sorting: Work with aggregates, grouping data, and using the ORDER BY clause to organize results.

Queries 2

  • Advanced Query Functions: Dive deeper into SQL with date functions, unions, and complex conditions, enhancing your ability to retrieve specific data.
  • Temporary Tables and Loops: Use temp tables and loops to handle complex data operations, optimizing workflows within your database.

Why Choose CodaBears SQL Training?

  • Practical, Real-Life Applications: Each course is designed to teach concepts that can be immediately applied to your work, enhancing productivity and database management efficiency.
  • Expert Instructors: Our trainers are active SQL professionals who use SQL Server in their jobs, ensuring you learn practical, relevant skills.
  • Progressive Learning Path: From fundamentals to advanced queries, our courses provide a complete path for developing your SQL capabilities.

Additional Benefits:

  • Hands-On Exercises: Practical exercises help reinforce key SQL concepts, making complex topics easier to understand and apply.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Our courses start in Spring 2025. We also offer private, tailored courses to suit your needs. Contact us to register or inquire about upcoming classes.

Unlock the power of SQL for your data needs with CodaBears SQL Training. Call 630-672-7688 or contact us today to register for the next available session and take your SQL skills to the next level.

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