Why did the chicken cross the Web?
To get to the other site.
Have you heard about the Disney virus?
It makes everything on your computer go Goofy.
What happened when a dragon breathed on several Macintosh computers?
He wound up with baked Apples!
How did the mouse get out of the Roman Cathedral?
He clicked on an icon and opened a window.
What kind of doctor fixes broken websites?
A URLologist.
Why did the computer go to a doctor?
It thought it had a terminal illness
What is a computer virus?
A terminal illness.
Why was there a bug in the computer?
It was looking for a byte to eat.
What happened when the computer fell on the floor?
It slipped a disk.
How does a boy cell phone propose to his girlfriend?
He gives her a ring, of course.
What is an astronaut’s favorite control on the computer keyboard?
The space bar.
What does a baby computer call his father?
Instead of Da-da it says “Da-ta.”
What is a computer’s first sign of old age?
Loss of memory.
What do computers like to eat?
What do you call a space magician?
A flying saucerer.
How do trees get on the Internet?
They log in.